Monday 28 January 2013

The reserve also boasts a completely eco friendly "Bush Camp."

It consists of four chalets and a communal eating and lounge area that is completely off the grid and runs purely on gas and solar energy.

Water supply is from a borehole run by a diesel generator.

The camp is surrounded by lush bush and at night there is no traffic noise. Only the "whoop whoop" of Hyenas and the roaring of lions.

What an experience

Monday 7 January 2013

Welgedacht Private Game Reserve falls within the Dinokeng Big Five Game Reserve in the Gauteng Province of South Africa.

It is home to the South African big five - Lions, Leopards, Elephant, Rhino's and Buffalo.

There are numerous species of antelope - Impala, Kudu, Waterbuck, Nyala, Blesbok etc.

Birdlife is abundant with numerous different species within the reserve.

A herd of Giraffe amble around the reserve as well.

The reserve also has the priveledge of housing the Lions, Black Leopard and hyena belonging to the well known "Lion Whisperer" Kevin Richardson. Check out his website at  in order to learn more about this remakable person.